måndag 17 december 2007

Corpus No 22 - Niklas Sandby-Ekdal (MkV)

I swing to Niklas Sandby-Ekdal in Mithögskolan, Östersond for study of MkV (media komunikaion veteskap). I heave difficoult with Denis McQuail (5 edition) mediation metaphors. He is so rational!! He think of the (semiotic) power of peaple! Can I be employee in his body? What am I worht? What is my capability? I heave all this question I feal so jalous on other students in Mithögskolan, Östersond. They heave no antagonist! So I go of for Medicindirekt, Kunskapenväg 4 (studenthalsa) and I heave good experiense of Carina Jonze. I heave fantasy of trusteeship with Carina oh she is valued!! She is true humane.

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