torsdag 21 augusti 2008

Corpus No 53-57 - Surrogate mothers (Japan etc.)

I swing into 61 year old Japanese woman (Tokyo) and I am giving birth to beautiful japanese baby at clinic. I am believed to be the oldest surrogate mother yet recorded of Japan!!

I become pregnant in maternity clinic with embryo created from the egg of my daughter (Midori) who has unfortenatly no uterus and also sperm from my daughter's husband Nagasawa. The pregnancy is a strugle bacause I am in my 60'ies but I have god reasons!

Maternity clinic is in charge by Yahiro Netsu,
who has defied longstanding opposition to surrogate births from Japanese obstetricians! Oh I will work his corpus anouther time and I will fight fight fight obstacles in order to create life succesfully!! Netsu helped eight surrogate mothers become pregnant and give birth between 1999-2008! In four of eight cases mothers was age 55 to 61 gave birth for their daughters! The remaining four involved women giving birth for their brothers or sisters!

After giving birth I lie down in bed of clinic and feel exaustet but yet happy. Beeing a surrogate mother is truely a wow factor and I will do it over and over but in many other corpuses, Europé manly! I will bacome an adict!! I feel powerful bacause I am in charge to change the life of two different people (mum and dad)!

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